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香港兩棲及爬行動物保育基金/香港兩棲及爬蟲協會 (No. 91/9058)是香港首個及現存唯一關注兩棲及爬行動物的政府認可慈善機構,並根據《稅務條例》第88條,本機構除獲豁免繳稅外,並能接受慈善捐款作慈善用途。
(1) 防止虐待動物,尤其對於兩棲及爬行動物。
(2) 透過不同媒介來加強市民對兩棲及爬行動物的認識。
(3) 提倡兩棲及爬行動物的保育和其生態的保護意識,令市民了解牠們的生態價值。
(4) 令市民意識到瀕危物種所面對的危機。
(5) 研究並提倡加以保護本地的兩棲及爬行動物,讓公眾認識和了解香港的兩棲及爬行類動物在
(6) 所有附帶及促成以上目的並且是合法的工作。
地址 觀塘興業街16-18號美興工業大廈A座3樓8室
WhatsApp 9653 5735
熱線電話 2751 3533
Instagram HKHerp
領養請先 WhatsApp 96535735預約,謝謝。
董事會 (義務)





執行委員會 (義務)






成立論壇 2004
協會成立 2005
保育基金成立 2007
增設領養服務 2009
漁護署動物福利機構 2011
漁護署動物福利諮詢小組 2011
動物福利諮詢小組(AWAG) 委員
成立領養中心 2012
漁護署瀕危動物附錄II領養 2013
「瀕危野生動植種國際貿易公約」附錄II 內的寵物尋找新的家
展開「眼斑水龜」保存計劃 2013
成立十週年 2015
領養中心搬遷 2015
展開首個環保基金計劃 2016
環保基金兩爬大使訓練計劃 2017
環保基金溫室蟾監測計劃 2018
領養中心搬遷 2020
漁護署蛇類外展計劃 2021
領養中心搬遷 2022
環保基金夜行守則計劃 2022
我想參觀協會領養中心!I would like to visit the adoption center!等一等!我們的領養中心並不開放予公眾參觀!由於本會人手不足,加上當值義工有機會外出進行講座、拯救或其他活動,如您前來中心前未有預約,便有機會摸門釘! 領養者如需要到訪本會領養中心,請先填寫並遞交領養表格,義工收到您的申請後會聯絡你。到時候您可以跟我們義工預約前來領養中心參觀。學校和其他團體如欲到訪本會領養中心,請致電本會熱線或以Whatsapp預約。 Please wait a minute! Our center is not open for public visits since HKHerp does not have adequate manpower: dutied volunteers may be out for seminars, rescue or other outreach activities. If you're visiting without appointment, it is possible that no one will answer the door! Adopters who have to visit our Adoption Centre shall first fill in and submit the Adoption Form. Volunteers will contact you after receiving and proceeding your application. After that, you can make an appointment with our volunteers and visit our centre for adoption. Schools and other organizations that are interested in visiting our centre are welcome to call the HKHerp hotline or make a booking via Whatsapp.
協會的開放時間是什麼?What is the opening hours of the Society?如上題,我們的領養中心並不開放予公眾參觀。因本會人手不足,加上當值義工有機會外出進行講座、拯救或其他活動,故本會領養中心並沒有固定開放時間。 領養者如需要到訪本會領養中心,請先填寫並遞交領養表格,義工收到您的申請後會聯絡你。到時候您可以跟我們義工預約前來領養中心參觀。學校和其他團體如欲到訪本會領養中心,請致電本會熱線或以Whatsapp預約。 As mentioned above, the Adoption Center is not open publicly for visits. Since we have limited manpower and dutied volunteers may be out for seminars, rescue or other activities, our adoption center does not have fixed opening hours. Adopters who have to visit our adoption centre shall first fill in and submit the Adoption Form. Volunteers will contact you after receiving and proceeding your application. By the time you can make an appointment with our volunteers and visit our centre. Schools and other organizations that are interested in visiting our centre are welcome to call our Society's hotline or make a booking via Whatsapp.
動物來源 Where does the animals come from?兩爬協會最主要的動物來源是來自政府、民間、嘉道理農場等,那些動物大多數是因走失、被遺棄,甚至是走私而被檢獲的動物。 The major sources of animals that HKHerp accomodate include the government, general public, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden etc. These animals are mostly lost animals, abandoned pets or animals confiscated by the government from illegal pet trading.
於本會領養的動物健康嗎?Are the animals adopted from the Society healthy?作為動物福利機構,本會需要對所有被接收的動物負責。本會接受兩爬動物後,皆會先隔離飼養以觀察其食慾及排泄是否正常。此外,我們亦會為動物作出詳細身體檢查,如有傷口或外科病徵,我們會作出初步治療。如在觀察和檢查過程中發現嚴重的健康問題,例如肝病、體內有寄生蟲、嚴重皮膚病、呼吸道感染、我們會尋求獸醫的協助。當動物的病況好轉,其食慾、排泄及身體狀況皆正常,我們才會讓公眾領養該動物。 As an animal welfare organization, HKHerp is responsible for all incoming animals. After an animal enters the Adoption Center of HKHerp, the animals are quarantined in isolation for better observaion of their appetite and health condition. In addition, detailed body checks are being done to the animals, such as wounds treatment and external check-up. In case of any serious health problems during the observation and body-checking stages (such as liver disease, tapeworm infestations, severe dermatosis and respiratory infections), we will seek medical treatment from vets. We only allow the public to adopt animals from HKHerp if the animals progress positively in health condition.
領養手續繁複,好像查家宅!Why is the adoption process so complex as though a spy on my family?作為動物福利機構,本會希望領養者明白,我們需要對所有接收的動物負責。 在動物被市民領養前,所有動物都經過仔細檢查及密切照顧,動物生病時亦需要看獸醫,確保動物健康理想才給市民領養。 除了確保被領養動物有理想的健康外,為動物尋找合適的家是對動物負責任十分重要的一環。 我們必須確保領養者有足夠空間和設備飼養動物、有正確的飼養態度、會對動物負責、對飼養該品種有足夠認識等。 我們透過與領養者溝通從而了解他們的意向、能力、可改善的空間而得知他們是否符合基本條件。 我們已為過千隻動物找到新的家園,事實上,有很多領養者也認同我們領養手續的必要性和合理性。 有關本會領養程序,請查看此連結: As an animal welfare organization, HKHerp would like adopters to understand that we need to be fully responsible for the lives of the animals we accomodate. Before adoption, all animals are carefully examined and wholeheartedly taken care of. They are given medical treatments by vets when needed to ensure that their health problems are properly dealt with before being adopted. Apart from ensuring their health, searching for suitable homes is as well important to the animal. We make sure that the potential adopter could provide sufficient space and proper equipment to keep the animal. They also need to embrace correct attitude and to be able to realize that they are fully responsible for the animal and has adequate knowledge in animal keeping etc. We try our best to understand each adopters' views, abilities and room of improvements through communicating with them, so as to assess their ability and capacity of adopting an animal. We have so far rehomed over a thousand animals. In fact, many adopters agree to the significance and rationality of these procedures. To learn more about our adoption procedures, please visit: .
為何領養要收費?Why is there a charge for adoption?原因如下: 1) 飼養動物就會花費資源和金錢,這包括空間、設備、食物和醫療等,如準領養者連領養費也不想付出,我們怎能評估往後的花費 他/她 也願意付出? 2) 協會收取領養費是用作機構的日常營運,沒有衍生更多的買賣和多餘的繁殖 (繁殖保育瀕危物種除外) ; 3) 收取入會費、領養費和有關瀕危物種的晶片費 是 漁農自然護理署和保護稀有動植物諮詢委員會 一致認同和已有共識的機制,兩爬協會也不能隨意更改; 4) 在2017年香港法例第139B章的修訂後,兩爬協會已領有 豁免持有動物售賣商牌照,這是動物福利機構在進行領養活動時,收取領養費以作為轉讓動物的條件視為合法。 Here are some reasons: 1. Keeping animals incurred costs and resources, including space, basic amenities, food and medication etc. If the canditate is reluctant to pay the adoption fee, how can we evaluate his/her willingness to pay for other expenses? 2. Our Society is dependent on the adoption fee to support our basic operation without causing additional trades and unnecessary breeding (except for the in-situ breeding for the conservation of endangered species) 3. Charging membership fee, adoption fee and chip fee is an agreed mechanism under AFCD and Endangered Species Advisory Committee, our Society cannot go against the laid agreements. 4. After the revision of Hong Kong Legislation No.139(B) in 2017, our Society has the Animal Trade License. When animal adoption organizations are operating adpotion activities, charging adoption fee as a requirement of lending animals is legal.
相熟的人較容易被批領養?People with connections have higher chance of adopting animals?協會內的所有人包括董事、幹事和義工等,如果想領養協會內的動物,基本上也是經過現行的領養程序。 如果協會對於準領養者較為了解和信任,例如之前已領養過、一直也保持溝通、或在社交網絡平台有聯繫等,那只代表可能某部分的領養程序可被省略,但不代表領養的機會比別人高,原因是協會批領養還是有多方面的考慮,例如準領養者現在所需照顧動物的數量、是否有足夠時間照顧動物、空間等,如瀕危物種或市場價值較高的動物,協會還要評估那動物被賣出的可能性。 Our Society including everyone in the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and volunteers, has to go through current procedures of adopting animals. If our Society has better understanding and trusts on the candidate, for example previous adopters, frequently contacted individuals or connected individuals on social media, this implied that some adoption procedures can be skipped, but does not mean there is a higher opportunity of adopting the animal. This is because our Society has multiple considerations when approving an adoption application, such as the number of animals the adopter has to take care of, the time and space the adopter can provide etc, the conservation status or market value of the animals, and the risk of the animal being sold out etc. 在理念和實際的推廣上,協會其實想更多人可以領養到動物,將領養訊息帶至更廣更遠,所以我們更希望尋找更多的適合領養者而不是小圈子運作,塘水滾塘魚是不能持續發展的。 Theoretically and pratically in promotion, our Society would like to benefit more people and animals by rehoming them, and deliver the message of adoption further, thus we are aspiring to search for compatible adopters instead of operating within the small circle, as it will not be sustainable in a long run.
為何瀕危物種需要被植入晶片後才可以領養?Why must the endangered species be chipped before adoption?領養瀕危物種計劃,是漁農自然護理署根據 瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約 CITES 的建議,如某些在寵物市場常見的品種,如走私被充公後而最後也沒有其他出路的情況下,那些動物可開放給市民領養。 在2014年,漁農自然護理署 和 保護稀有動植物諮詢委員會 已批準本會可為 「瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約」附錄II 內的動物尋找新的家。 暫時在香港已批準的機構有 香港兩棲及爬蟲協會 和 香港愛護動物協會。 如有任何的追訴,可用該晶片來確認該動物是從協會中領養。 Adoption of endangered animal scheme is a suggestion from AFCD cased on Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). For instance, some species commonly found in pet trade, such as confiscated animals from illegal trade that have no other paths can be opened for public adoption. In 2014, AFCD and Endangered Species Advisory Committee approved our Society to rehome animals under CITES II. So far, approved organizations in Hong Kong are HKHerp and SPCA. For any trace backs, this chip can be used to confirm the animal has been adopted from our Society.
協會為什麼要收取$200棄養手續費?Why is the Society charging a $200 abandonment fee?- 協會接收動物而到該動物被領養前,支出往往不只 $200 元,例如動物領養中心的租金、 水電費、醫療開支、日常餵養和設備等,用意只為補貼或減輕協會日常動物的支出; - 協會資源不多,這包括空間、照顧動物的人手和資金,不可能滿足所有棄養的要求,收棄養手續費是希望遺棄者能負上一些責任; - Our Society's expenses on taking care of the animal before it is adopted is far beyond the $200, for instance the rent of the adoption center, costs on electricty and water amenties, medical expenses, regular feeding and equipments etc. The intention is solely an aid or relief to the expenses of our Society in daily operations. - Our Society has limited resources in space, manpower for taking care of the animals and money. We cannot satisfy all abandonment requests, thus charging an abandon fee is attempting to shift some responsbility to the owner who abandon his/her animal.
想了解協會的財政?I would like to learn more about the financial status of the Society!如想了解協會的財政,可在這裡下載財務報告及年報: To learn more about our Society's finances, please download our financial reports and annual reports at the below link:
協會接受薪金的員工 Is the Society hiring any staff?協會所有人也是義務工作包括管理層,除了環保基金資助某些特定項目的員工。 所以你的捐款是100%作為協會的營運上,例如動物領養中心的租金、 水電費、醫療開支、日常餵養和設備等。 Our Society are made up of completely volunteers on administrative levels, apart from staff hired based on Environmental Conservation Funding approved projects. Therefore your donation is 100% for our operation, such as the rent of our adoption center, basic electricity and water amenities, medical expenses, daily feeding and equipments.
看到你們曾和建制合作,你們是建制派組織!Your organization had cooperated with Pro-establishment camps, are you a pro-establishment organization?"1) 兩爬協會是為兩棲及爬行動物所建立的慈善機構,政治從來不是我們首要考慮; 2) 兩爬協會從來沒有收受任何有關政治的捐獻和交易,也沒有被任何政黨操控; 3) 十幾年前,兩爬協會和其他動物福利團體一起參與由建制主辦的寵物嘉年華,也有參與由政府、其他組織、商場和公司主辦的活動,旨在提升寵物在港的福利,我們當中沒有任何政治考慮。 如果泛民有舉辦那些活動並有邀請兩爬協會,我們也會參與,可惜當時沒有; 4) 要幫動物發聲,有些時候是需要找議員幫手,不論建制或泛民,幫到就行。 十幾年前關心動物福利議題上的議員極少,陳克勤議員是當時唯一理會協會的議員,所以我們相識了,而我們所討論的只在於動物福利上,沒有其他; 5) 兩爬協會十幾年前已開始在 工聯會業餘進修中心 舉辦一個 寵物龜飼養課程,當時考慮工聯會業餘進修中心 是因為較容易接觸廣泛市民和容易收生,當中沒有任何政治考慮和聯繫; 6) 兩爬協會十幾年前已經反對政府殺龜,也是「守護龍尾大聯盟」成員之一,目的是反對政府在大埔龍尾興建人工泳灘,在這議題上,與大多數的建制派取向不同,當中我們也沒有政治思量,只是實事求是,做兩爬協會該做的事; 7) 兩爬協會也是「爭取成立動物警察大聯盟」成員之一,在大聯盟中大部分也是泛民人士,難道又說 兩爬協會 是泛民組織? 8) 兩爬協會從來都是實事求是。 我們由零開始,義務工作多過十五年,只因我們從來沒有忘記自己的初心,有始有終。 1. Our Society is an animal welfare charitable organization established for herpetofauna, and political stances are never our first-priortized concern. 2. Our Society has never accepted any political donations or trades, and is not controlled by any political parties. 3. 10 years ago, our Society and other animal welfare organizations jointly participated in an pet carnival held by pro-establihsment camp. In addition, we joined activities organized by the government, other organizations, shopping malls and private companies, aiming to raise the well-being of pets in Hong Kong. We have no political consideration within. If pan-democrats are holding such events and invite our Society, we are very willing to join. Unfortuantely, there was none back then. 4. To voice out for animals, we do need the help of councillors sometimes regardless of their political backgrounds. Back then, councillors who cared about animal welfares were rare, and Hon Gary Chan Hak-kan was the only one who responded to us, thus we acquainted. All we discussed was completely on animal welfare and nothing else. 5. Our Society had begun a course of pet turtle husbandry training at Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Non-vocational centre, as it was easier to reach out to general public. There is no political consideration and affliation. 6. Our Soicety has been up against the government's policy on turtles killing, and is a member of the Save Lung Mei Alliance, aiming to oppose the construction of artificial beach at Tai Po Lung Mei. Upon this issue, we had divergent opinions from most pro-establisment camps, as we had no political concerns within. We are trying to seek for justice and stand for what our Society should do. 7. Our Society is also a member of Alliance for Hong Kong Animal Police, where the Alliance is mainlly comprised of pan-democrats. Does that mean our Society is a pan-democratic organization? 8. Our Society is seeking truth from facts. From the beginning, we contributed in voluntary work over 15 years, for we have not forgotten what we started for.
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